2014.08.17 Stylish Wave MAX ‘14 ”一撃乱舞” at TSUTAYA O-EAST

While I was in Japan, I went to see the Stylish Wave Max'14 Concert on 2014.08.17. The concert day is actually the same day as Hey Say Jump's concert in Fukouka, but Fukouka is too far that why I had chose to go to a jrock concert instead. I was mainly looking for Jupiter's concerts and I found this one, it has 8 bands performing and it happened that 2 of my other favorite bands are also performing there, Screw and Fest Vainqueur! I've been a fan of those bands for a quite a long time so I was really happy and excited ^_^~! So it's like 3 hits in one concert! 

The concert starts at 4 and they start letting people in at 3. The way the ticket formation works is not like the ones in SF. For the Tsutaya concert venues, they seem to have an order of when you get in, like there's either a A, B, or C followed by a number on your ticket. They call a range of numbers to go in. I really like this kind of regulation because I hate the ones at Fillmore SF. Here, it's basically like if you get in line first, you get to go in first. But that means an unnecessary wasted hours of waiting in line. I think it's more fair for whoever bought tickets first, they get to get in first. Anyways, I got C115~116(I was with a friend) so we got in around 3:30~3:45pm. I could have gotten better standing places but I was buying some Jupiter goods before going in cause I didn't want to be crowed when we get out of the concert to buy goods. I only bought two photosets since I was low on money. And before we went in the concert room, they passed out some free magazines and flyers to us <3 Everything is just new to me so it's like any little thing makes me happy. 

As expected, well, the only thing that didn't surprise me was that it's an all standing concert. They had some rails at random places of the floor (I assume it's for regulation AND people to hold on to while they had bang) I was standing near the back of the middle of the floor but it was a clear view of the whole stage. Everything was just exciting and all because I've never been to a legit Vkei concert before! 

The wait was not that long. There was the ojiisan from Zy-Club and an obaasan from iono where. They talked a bit and the first band came out to perform. I think the first one was Nocturnal Bloodlust. I was not fond of them. Next was Black Gene for the Next Scene. Damn, their band name is long! I was not fond of this one too because of the singer... and he was literally wearing that little piece of only shoulder covering black thing on the top. They also had the horns as shown in the photos below. The only one I was ok looking at was the girly one from that group. He is truly pretty and cute! He even acts like a girl! 

Finally the Fest Vainqueur came out as the third group! I love Hal so much, I am in love with his voice ever since he was still in Sincrea. I am very sad Sincrea disbanded because I not only love Hal's voice, I love songs that he sang when Sincrea didn't disband yet. I can never hear him sing those live anymore since Sincrea don't exist anymore. Since I was long gone from Jrock fandom for a while, I don't know the new songs that he sang at all. But it was still enjoyable because he actually SINGS! I can actually hear the words of the songs since he doesn't scream songs out. That is one reason why I love Hal, he really sings :) And their songs are a bit to the happy side. It makes me happy too! And for the fourth group.. I think they are Dezert. I have no idea who they are nor have seen them before. The singer is pretty short and tiny and I remember thinking to myself that the vocal in this band is not bad too, lol! The fifth group, BORN. BORN is a pretty popular group because I've hear alot about them while I was crazy with the jrock fever back then. Anyways, I don't like them. They are a more screamo and creepy group. The vocalist was just darn creepy. That night, his hair was like a porcupine. And the drummer is like a zombie. Next group, Lycaon. I've gotta say, crossdressers win my heart. The vocalist for Lycaon was so feminine-like... He's kind of creepy though because he keeps saying "Sabishii..." and etc during his performance. He is very tiny and fragile looking, like a small women figure. He had long hair as shown in the picture. He's pretty and his singing was fine. I was alright with their performance. 

And finally, the last two were Screw and Jupiter!!!!!! It had been a 5 hour wait, LOL! The concert ended at 9-ish and started at 4 but I was waiting till 3. 

I was crazy for the last two because I just couldn't wait to see them LIVE! Screw came out and I was so darn hyper to see Byou and Kazuki in real life!!! THEY ARE SO FREAKEN BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY! I was little surprised about Byou because he is so small and short,  but has a big head, haha! But he is very very sexy indeed! He had a big lose wavy light brown hair that night, and I forgot what he wore. His face caught all my attention already. His eyes, his expressions, his mouth, his tongue, his lips! I keep noticing he keeps licking his lips! Winnie noticed it too! So sexy~la~! While Byou is the sexy beast, Kazuki is the elegant beauty. He didn't talk much but his existance was enough to shine. He was so SO SO beautiful. It felt like a dream already that I cannot remember it clearly anymore but he's just shines on stage. I was lucky to be able to be in the middle part of the floor cause I get to see both left, middle, and right of the stage. Kazuki was on the right side. They all look the same as in pictures, beautiful human beings. So much beautiful people that night. And Byou's singing has inproved alot since 2008~2010! He can actually sing now! LOL. I used to think his singing sucked cause he was always out of tone in the first few dvd's. 

The last was Jupiter. I was most looking forward to Jupiter because Hizaki and Teru are 2 of the top of my jock tops list! I was having a hard time looking at Hizaki and Teru play because Teru was on left and Hizaki was on right. I actually was standing closer to the stage because some people left so I was able to see them closer however, it was harder to see the whole stage cause I gotta turn my head left and right to see both. Hizaki was in a beautiful red dress as usual and Teru... Oh I forgot, it's either silver of blue, LOOOL! I was too mesmerized by his face to notice. Hizaki was kind of "hidden" though, I don't know why. It's either the light didn't shine on him or he didn't step up enough. Teru was shining because he seemed to be stepping more front than Hizaki. Teru shines, his leg, his arms, his face, all that beautifullness! He is as adorable as ever! I can't believe I really saw him live!!!!! Hizaki was a kind of dissapointment >_<! Sorry! I like you too so much but you kinda look better in pictures than in real life... And I didn't really care for the vocalist, Zin. I prefer Kamijo singing. Kamijo has the strong voice and confidence. Anyways, Ah~ Teru was just so cure, he was making such cute faces while playing. 

After each band's performance, they has a little MC moment with the Zy-Club ojiisan. The most unforgettable one was Screw's. I was hoping Kazuki would come out but he didn't. Only Byou did and somehow, the drummer and vocalist of BORN came out with Byou. They did some talking and stuff, I had no idea what they were talking about. And then they started looking embarassed and the drummer of the BORN push the vocalist next to Byou and the vocalist seems to not be wanting to be there with an embarassed expression and Byou was giving off an embarrassed smile too and all of the sudden, Byou leaned over to the vocalist and kissed him on the lips! I was NOT expecting this to happen!!!! I was like, "OMGGGGG AHH!!!!!" *INSANE FANGIRL MOMENT* I forgot how much I love fanservice <3 

And after all the bands played, there was a small closing event where all the bands appeared on the second floor, right above the floor. We all had to look up. Hizaki was changed into a kimono!!!! Ah~!!!! And Kazuki talked!!!!! Hiro from Fest Vainqueur was so playful! Ah~ Life was great. Except for I look like a total ugly shit that night =_= LOL! Oh well... 

We left for dinner nearby at the Alcatraz E.R. and after we came out from the dinner place (which is next to the concert place around 11:20-ish), we saw many fangirls standing at the opening of the parking lot. I turns out that the bands that performed were done packing and is leaving in their vans!!! Wow! Lucky me! Winnie keeps saying he sense that Jupiter's group didn't leave yet!!!! And she was right!!!!! The first van left with all windows closed and I have no idea who they were. Then, I saw Teru and Hizaki walking to their van!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were in regular cloths. OMG! STILL SO GOOD LOOKING! I tried to take photos but the staff stopped me T^T Cry cry! Anyways, so Teru and Hizaki's van was leaving and ah!!!! They had their van window open to say bye to fans!!!!! I was on the perfect side of the street! Wow, like that 3 seconds was so close. I got to see Teru and Hizaki so close up!!! But it was too fast and I was too happy to remember those 3 seconds clearly! Teru has most of the make up off but still light eyeliner on. He looks so darn beautiful in such light make up. Hizaki has the whole make up off but still looks good :) 
I don't think I'll ever get the chance to see these vans leave since I won't be that lucky to be there at the right time so I should cherish that moment. 
Everything happened so fast and unrealistic. During the concert, I couldn't believe I was there.
It was a beautiful concert.

The set lists of the night and the bands that played:
I cannot remember what the real line up when the performers played but this is the closest I can remember. And for sure I remember Fest Vainqueur, Screw, and Jupiter's because they are my favorite bands. And the photos I posted of them are the closest I can get from what they were during the concert. 

03.Domestic Crisis
05.Empty glass

Black Gene For the Next Scene
04.Fear Dance

03.Evil Disco


01.Extremely waltz

02.Psychedelic Jelly
06.Who's bad psycho party

04.Get You Back
05.Barbed wire

01.Symmetry Breaking
05.Blessing of the Future

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