[Disclaimer: Not my pic]
BRATBAX: 1周年記念ワンマン 『DELIGHT』
2017年04月25日 新宿RUIDO K4
Open 18:00 / Start 18:30
A tickets: 3000円
General Admission: Free
Got to see Carla again!
Her ticket and my ticket.
A ticket people: Get a signed poster and a tshirt.
Normal admission people: Get a poster (unsigned)
Of course I have an A ticket! They handed me a small paper bag with the things inside when I walked in. So cute! (*___*) After going in, Carla and I stood at the far left side near the middle-back. They were selling merch at the merch table already so I went to get 5000 yen worth of things so I can take a 2-shot and a 5-shot with the band. The rules were if you buy 3000 yen worth of good, you'd get to take a 5 shot with the band. If you bought 5000 yen worth of goods, you get to take a 5-shot and a 2-shot with the band. I bought the new single and also 8 chekis. GUESS WHAT.... I GOT NO MEL chekis in my pile... So I was so stupid to get chekis before the live and that ruined all my mood and fun haha! Honestly through the whole live, I was just kinda sad about the chekis... wtf is wrong with me alright!?? Haha! For once, I was so calm at a BRATBAX live. I mean I was excited to see them but I was only smiling like this :) and not smiling like that :D))) with my mouth open and triple chins lol! But that's fine. It was a wonderful night.
Omg these were the wall decor that Yuuki said he wanted during the 8.10.2015 live back then <3
I wanted to rip one off and give it to Yuuki! LOL!
So the live started and they came out one by one. OMG I finally got to see Mel again!!!!!! He made so much faces throughout the live. Especially tongue sticking faces. I felt like 99% of the time I only started at Mel... I forgot if any fan-service moments happened or not though. Haha it's just that sometimes XiAN likes to mess with Mel and those are just funny.
I wasn't sure if I was imagining this or not but I felt Tohga kept looking at me as if he recognized me or something but everytime I had a 0.1 sec eye contact with him, I look right back at Mel, haha! Like dude, I am here for Mel.. sorry. But again, I wasn't sure if Togha even looked at me or not but he always likes to make eye contact with fans anyways. I just always hide in the corner and look at Mel.
Ice sounded sooooo good at the live. It was actually better than the mp3 version because it sounded mono-toned in mp3. (I still like it though no matter what!!)
The song that I felt most attached to was HOWL. It reminded me the first time I went to a live for BRATBAX (that time, they were still XYLORiDE) I love it so much!
During the MC, the XiAN took out a piece of paper from his pocket but.... LOL!! THAT PIECE OF PAPER WAS ALL SOCKED WET PROB FROM HIS SWEAT... and I think XiAN said something LIKE "ew..." and he was holding the paper only on the corner. The paper was written with the questions summitted by fans that they wanted to ask the member about. I think the first one was self intro and tell us something about themselves. Mel went first, then Tohga, then Tetola, and lastly XiAN.
(They spoke in Japanese)
Mel: I'm Mel and I like curry, ramen,.... etc etc (he started listing out all his fav food and XiAN got impatient and cut him off LOL)
Togha: I'm Togha and I have two pets. (and XiAN asked him what his pet names are)
XiAN (totally skipping Tetola): That's Tetola and he doesn't need to talk. (LOL WOW XIAN..) I'm XiAN. (And I forgot what he said about himself)
There was a question for Mel only: Why are you so ikeman.
HAHAHAH!!! Mel looked embarrassed and said, "Who asked this!??? Well... I excercise.. eat healthy... (and etc etc)" It was so funny because I would have asked this question too, lol!
I think they performed pretty well today but the fun part was after the live haha! (Yes, I've been looking forward to meet this band again since forever)
We waiting 20~30 minutes for BRATBAX to get ready for the photosession. During that time, I WAS ABOUT TO FIND TRADES FOR MEL CHEKISSSSS!!!! I literally traded all away for Mel except for one XiAN... But yeah I regret trading away one of my XiAN's... I had two but I thought that fangirl only wanted XiAN >< Sucks for me but at least now I have a big handful of Mel <3
Finally it was my turn.
Walked towards the photo area, put my stuff right outside the separators, and then walked in the photo corner where the band is. I think... not sure.. but Tohga and Tetola said, "woooah!" "Woahh! "Ohisashiburi!" My face was literally this /( " O " )\ Like dumbfounded. I think XiAN said something too but honestly at that moment, I was literally like yeah... head couldn't function at all because I couldn't believe that they remembered me!
I said: "You guys... remembered me?"
And I think they couldn't understand me because Mel said, "eh?"
And I said in Japanese, "私のことおぼえていますか?"
And XiAN just right away shouted, "はい!はい!覚えていますよ! I teach you Japanese pose!" *he made that pinky stretching mouth pose that we did in 2015 again to prove it*
(OMG, HE WASN'T LYING. THEY DO REMEMBER ME. I got so happy! Haha!)
And Mel was like, "I remember you like Lycaon."
(LOL somehow, I felt a bit butthurt when he said that. Out of all the things, he only remembered I like Lycaon. There wasn't anything better he could have mentioned or remembered haha...)
I think I was too happy and shocked still so I really couldn't remember much things anymore. But then I remembered the 5-shot happened and they told me I can choose two members to be next to me. And I think I forgot my manners again and just pointed at XiAN and Mel. And someone told me to bend my legs a bit so we can all fit in the picture and so I did. We paused in the leg bending position for like 2 seconds and XiAN was like. "Pose! What pose??" And I said, "I don't know!" And after a few more seconds XiAN was like, "Ah! sadkhakhe-something in Japanese that I wasn't able to understand- hakfhkjaf" AND then... the next thing I knew, XiAN and Mel were hugging/cuddling me. XiAN on left, Mel on right... omg. That moment was so awesome and epic especially when I didn't know what was happening. It was so fun! I probably even held my breath right when they got so close to me. I STILL COULDN'T BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED. XIAN AND MEL'S HEADS WERE SO CLOSE TO MY HEAD. OMG. The fact that I wasn't the one who asked for the hug. It was so cute. I didn't know what to do so I just grabbed on to their arms and I had my head tilted down and eyes closed.
I think I'm just super happy that XiAN actually remembers me still even though I never tweet to him nor comments on his tweets at all and yeah, XiAN was the one to decide on the hug pose. He deserves every point to earn the 2-shot but haha... that went to Mel. Yup, so when they asked me who I wanted for the 2-shot, I just spatted out MEL-SAN! And I asked for a hug because I felt like it but it ended up being just arms around shoulder shot, LOL. Whatever, it's cute too. 2-shot accepted <3 OHHH AND IT'S ALSO CONFIRMED THAT MEL IS TALLER THAN ME EVEN THOUGH I WAS WEARING 2 INCH HEEL BOOTS!!! Yay!
And after that I said thank you and I think I told XiAN... well not really but I think I was avoiding looking at Mel and the other two members didn't exist so I was literally looking like I was just telling XiAN this. I told him, "I'm going back to USA tomorrow. For BRATBAX..... I came..." (I think I wasn't even able to finish what I trying to say and XiAN went like "OHHHH!!!! THANK YOU! Yeahhhh! " and he held out his hand for a high-five! Haha, Mel should know why I'm in Japan at this time and reason should be Initial'L related.. as long as Mel doesn't tell XiAN that, XiAN will never know.. haha! Though not that they care for real... But still.
I forgot what else happened but there was a moment when I said I forgot my Japanese. I THINK I WAS FACING MEL WHILE SAYING THIS BUT EXCUSE ME... XiAN instantly blurted out, "No it's great!!! 上手ですよ!” Like his face expression was so sincere that it was so cute (T^T). He was assuring to me that my Japanese is good! Gawd.. he gave me so much attention and responded to me so much even if some things weren't directed for him, lmao! I felt bad for not taking a two-shot with him but I have no more money la... and also somehow... I don't know my but my top is always Mel even though I DON'T REMEMBER IF HE EVEN SAID BYE TO ME WHEN I LEFT!..... UM.....
Ok so all the talk and stuff is done and I said bye and they all gave me a high five again. I almost forgot to give Tetola a high five and I turned back right after high-fiving XiAN and I held out my hand to high five Tetola. Although he's not one of my fav members, I didn't want to desert anyone.
When I was leaving, XiAN shouted, "気をつけてね!" OMG XiAN was so sweet... and guilt just kepts building up about not choosing him for the 2-shot, lol! WHERE'S MY GOOD BYE MEL!??? Anyways, I realized I haven't told them how I felt about the live yet so after I got my bags, I stuck my head in and said today was fun and thank you so much! I think I made so little eye contact with Mel... Most of the times I just looked at XiAN and faced him to speak. I was too nervous to think and also to look at Mel.
Wrapping the day up, it was a super great night. I was super satisfied with my photos with BRATBAX and also the fact that they remembered me was more than enough to make my day perfect. Whatever felt like 5 minutes probably was just 2 minutes but it doesn't matter. These few minutes meant so much to me.
Some photos that the members/other fans posted for this live.
After the live, Carla and I took some purikura! I love it so much and I'm glad I was able to take puri with her once more before she goes back to Germany and I might not see her next time I go to Japan.
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