2018.05.27 VRZEL:【6-SIX-】Like An Edison Instore Events

First day meeting Paula since we started talking online on and off from 2015~ish! She agreed to coming with me to the VRZEL instores!!! Since this day, I started calling her "mom" because she saved me from almost all my dumbass actions/moments and always took care of me making sure I am looking my best and STILL BREATHING after meeting the bands. Thank you! I did something super careless that I have never done before: not double checking the instore location before I headed to the instore. We ended up at the wrong Like An Edison but so thankful that Paula Mama felt something was off and checked. She lead me to the correct instore (we were literally running) AND WE DID MADE IT! YAY! But what a day! Again, like I said, I have never made this kind of mistake before..... Why do I always become a stupid shit when it's related to VRZEL!?!?!

Anyways, we made it to the correct store with a bit of extra time before it started! I had a BUNCH of 2shot tickets to trade/buy/sell so those were all handled successfully with the extra time. I honestly felt like a drug dealer during that moment cause I was standing at a corner to trade around 2~3 tickets, sell 1 ticket, and buy 1 ticket.

時間:START 14:00

I have never been to this store for instores before so I was extra nervous how it was going to be like since I do have a first row ticket number. As expected, I ended up sitting in the middle center spot in first row. Cion will either be on the farthest left or farthest right based on past experiences so sitting in the center would be the safest option. When the members came in, they came sitting in this order: Cion, Kuu, Ryoya, Shikina, Kira. I was sitting right in front of Ryoya however I had the worst view of him because his water bottle was RIGHT between his face and my view of him. Kinda bummed but can care less since I was super glad that I had a perfect view of Cion. The table was soooo high so the members can only see the first row fan's head only if they look down haha! GOOD. I didn't want to care for if my sitting posture was good or this and that. For this instore, Kira was the MC and he was the one who read the questionnaires out loud. 

Since they didn't specify the theme of the instore beforehand, it was a surprise to me on whatever they came out dressed in. So it turned out that the theme of this instore was middle school/high school outfit theme! CION LOOKED SOOOOOO GREAT IN THAT OUTFIT OMG.... THE GLASSES... GLASSES... THOSE GLASSES.... I just loved whatever he had on! That half ponytail hairstyle, his expensive Chrome Hearts hair band, his glasses, his outfit, his broad shoulders... just everything. It's been 6 months and I finally got to see him again. he didn't change a bit. Just as beautiful, as goofy, as childish. Recently, Kuu and Cion ALWAYS seems like they came out of the same closet.... I really think there's something between them haha! I really wonder who is copying who!? I'm not fond of Kira with glasses but he looks good though, just that I didn't care much. As for Ryoya, he looked very fine~ and so sorry to Shikina, I didn't look at him at all so there isn't anything for me to say about him. 

So the instore started and they all did self introductions. RYOYA.... SPOKE. That moment, I was like BRAIN SHOCKED... the good way. Confession time: I have a secret obsession on Ryoya's voice. I think he has a very beautiful voice, and I mean it... like a beautiful voice. There was a moment right after introductions(or maybe it was during his introduction.. but I forgot) when Ryoya talked for a very long time! I have never heard him talk so much before. One by one, the other members pointed their microphones to Ryoya's mouth hahaha! After Ryoya was finally done speaking, Cion looked at him and asked, "You are done talking?" And Ryoya nodded and/or said "yes" LOLOL... oh Cion. I was too mesmerized by Ryoya's voice that I didn't focus on what he was saying at all but just the sound of his voice (how I wish that I had attempted to listen to what he was saying). 

Next, the Q&A! I only remembered parts of it and mainly only Cion's answers since I only focused and looked at him during 95% of the instore. I couldn't get my eyes off him because he's always so interesting to just look at even if it wasn't his turn to talk yet!

MC: *specifically to Cion* Who does Cion enjoy kissing more. Kira or Kuu?
Cion: Kira (LOL are you lying Cion? You always molest Kuu's lips though! I am not certain but I think said that it's because Kira doesn't dodge away or whine and just lets Cion do a quick peck. I am only 50% certain on the reason Cion stated. And then Cion was like, "Shall we kiss for them(fans)?" and then he was like, "nah" <- he was such a tease...)

MC: Love or Money? 
C&Ku&S&Ki: Love!
R: Money (I forgot what his reason was)
(I think they were also asked another question regarding love or like money and etc but I didn't catch that one in my head on time)

MC: What challenges/difficulties have you had (in life?on stage? I forgot for what situation)?
C: He said when his microphone was malfunctioning 

MC: Please talk about bad dreams that you've had.
C: He said he doesn't really have bad dreams. 
Ki: He talked about his scary dream regarding a creepy lady in white (and had very long hair and in a hallway... I think?)

MC: Favorite memory from school?
C: He just talked about his outfit and about his school bag. (Other members were saying to him that isn't a memory! lol!)

Lastly they talked about where they want to go during the summer.

Some highlights of the instore:
  • Although Kira was the MC, Cion ended up talking most of the time.
  • There was a moment when either R, S or Ki was talking (or were talking together) but Cion and Kuu were in their own little corner and little world playing with a piece of tissue paper. They were throwing/placing the paper to each other and Kira called them out on it. 
  • Throughout the whole instore, Cion kept making random faces and actions reacting to what the other members were saying. There were so much enthusiastic moments and my heart was meltingggggggg every single time!
  • Near the middle of the instore, when either R/S/Ki was talking, Cion caught me looking at him and he made a wide eye squinting lips expression at me and then he turned back to looking at the members while smiling with an open mouth (I was prob the only one straight up just staring at him with 100% focus and not looking at the member talking instead). That moment caught me by surprised because I didn't expect him to look back at me during that moment at all. I don't care that it's just one simple quick expression but I am still so happy about it. Paula, who was also sitting right in back of me saw it too and she confirmed to me that he only gave reaction once to a fan throughout the whole instore and she also assumed it was to me because she witnessed the moment when he made that face to my direction!
  • When Kira was talking about his scary dream, Cion was nodding and looking so attentive but also making *i'm scared! this is kowaii* kind of face while putting his two index finger in each of his ears. Kuu scared Cion a few times by patting him in the back and Cion went, "EEEAHHHHWAHH!" lol!!!!
  • Cion nearly fell off his chair once.
  • For one of the replies to a question, Cion was singing part of the answer out.
  • The staff told the members that there were only 5 minutes left. They said ok but then Cion ended up talking for MORE THAN half of the remaining time because he just wouldn't shut up! (haha! I love it. I love that he talks so much!!!) 

Right before the talk officially ended, Cion told us that there is a lot of time before the next instore so we should get some boba milk tea and crepe in Harajuku. (That was soooo random but I like it!)

Photo Session:

We all have to stay outside to wait a bit for them to set up the photo area. They took the photos by talk ticket number so I was 3rd to take my photos. While I was waiting, I was eavesdropping a fan's 2shot with Ryoya and he was smiling with his mouth open. I really hope he would smile in mine too since it'll be my one and only 2shot with Ryoya. But well, that didn't go as I wished..... I'll get to that later. So while still waiting for my turn, I saw Cion and Kuu(both on standby) playing with the water bottles on the table. I was too scared to look at them so I only took a quick glance at what they were doing. When it was finally my turn, I handed the photo tickets to the staff and he asked me who do I want to take photos with first and which camera and etc. Ryoya who was standing at the corner to my north east direction asked me something and I couldn't understand, I said "huh?" and he repeated but then gave up eventually since I was like completely brain-frozen. If I didn't remember wrong, Cion on my north west directly had to tell me to please take a seat.... and then Ryoya sat down next to me. We didn't talk. So it was like he sat, picture taken, he got up, Cion sat down. I think he greeted me shortly. For the first photo, I only did a normal pose and went along with whatever. Immediately after the first photo, I felt Cion put his hand on top of my head to pose for the next photo but then I told him I want a hug. He said OK! and he did so. After that he and I thanked each other. None of them said ohisashiburi so I didn't want to end up saying that and they of them go "who are you?"... So I just told him I came to Japan for VRZEL and Cion said, "It's been a while ne?" And I said, "eh. you remember me?" He said, "Yes! And you changed your hair". And I said, "Lindsay's friend" and he said yes again. I said thank you and see you later to him and then walked out of the instore. 

Ook, that was enough. I'm just happy that he remembered me and he noticed that I changed my hair. And on to my thoughts about my photos. I actually was scared to look at my photos and had Paula look at them first for me. She said they look fine and good and then I took a look at them.... Alright, Ryoya's........ HE COULD HAVE GAVE ME A BETTER EXPRESSION AND POSE HAHAHA..... I was a little annoyed cause I spent 2000 yen on my 2shot with him when I could have used that money on extra chekis or food LOL... Ok anyways on to the best ones. I am super happy about how Cion looks in my 2shots!!!!!! I didn't like how I looked but he looks soooo perfect!!! MY FACE FINALLY LOOKS THE SAME SIZE AS HIS AND NOT A BIG CIRCLE FLATBREAD!!! And I was laughing so hard on the hug one. I love it. I love his expression in it and that was not expected at all!  


After the first instore, there were a lot of time before the night instore so we had okonomiyaki for late lunch and Paula had a super kawaiiiii ice cream for snack. After that, we checked out the LINE store.

We shared both of the okonomiyaki so we can try both together!


時間:START 19:00

The theme for this instore turned out to be 私服! I sat on second row, second seat from the right. Again, Kuu and Cion looked like they came out from the same closet!!!!!!!!!!!! (a bit lazy though lol) Kira's outfit was my favorite this time!!! He looked soooo perfect in this outfit and I was so glad that I got to take a twoshot with him during this one! Ryoya wore another band's shirt(I think The Gazette's) and all the other members were calling him out on that haha! I could barely understand any of the Q&A. I had no idea what was going on and whatever was being asked and replied to. It's either the Q&A were harder to understand during that instore or my energy was all drained during the day already. So here's just...... 

Some highlights of the instore:
  • It didn't seem like Cion gave any eye contact reaction to any fan.
  • The atmosphere was very high and hyper. Cion was super loud. He kept shouting things and sometimes, it sounded as if he was shouting at a live. I think a few times, he also slapped his hand on the table when he got pumped up from whatever another member said. Nothing was negative, it seems like he was just too hyper.
  • For one of the questionnaires, Kuu didn't understand the question so he had Kira and Ryoya, who were sitting next to him, help him figure out what they were being asked. Those 3 kind of circled up to discuss and the kill the silence, Cion started beat-boxing out of nowhere. Cion stopped and laughed and he was like, "everyone was so focused on the 3 that's circled together and when I started beat-boxing, everyone's eyes immediately diverted to me", LOL!  
  • There was plenty of extra time this time so they did free style talk for a while. 
  • Cion was had random singing episodes throughout the instore. One of the songs he sang was also a song that Yuuki covered!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN, I WISH I COULD RECORD IT!!!
  • I had no eye contact with any of them except for like a 0.005 second eye contact with Kira. It was a positive super short eye contact though. Like we acknowledge each other's existence LOL ok that's getting delusional. 
  • There's a few moments where the fans were asked questions and we have to either raise or hand or not.
  • During one part, Kuu came down to the audience and randomly chose a girl to answer a question the band asked.
  • There were a lot of laughter, members making fun of each other, and smiles.
Photo Session:

It was as if history never stops repeating on I can never understand what they ask me. I walked in, handed the staff my tickets. Told him that I want to take my 2 shot with Kira first. The staff repeated what I said out lout. I was walking to my seat and Kira asked me something/said something to me. I said, "What?" And Kira looked super confused at me and then he looked at Cion. (I don't know why he looked at Cion.... Maybe he looked at Cion cause I am Cion's fan and just confirming with Cion about my Japanese ability... who knows.) I heard Cion, who was somewhere far back by standing behind me, started mimicking me, "what what WHAT???” and Kira laughed and did the same, "what what?? hahaha" *face palm.... seriously. Cion and Kira.. really? Ya'll gotta do that to me...? xD* And Kira finally got his senses back, he sat down and just did an open palm pose. I thought he was doing a flower hand pose so I said, "this pose?" and I imitated him. He started giggling again and said, "This is the WHAT pose....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" and the photo was taken during the moment he was giggling nonstop. After the photo was taken, both of us burst in laughter. (I was laughing from embarrassment and he was still laughing about the WHAT..) Anyways, it was embarrassing but at least they were laughing during the whole time. Thinking about it, maybe what Kira asked me was what pose did I want... but like again, I will never figure out what he said to me. After that, during the short time between the Kira&Cion switch for my 2shots, I asked Kira if he knows English. Kira said not at all. And then I turned to Ryoya and asked him if he can understand English and he replied me with, "Only a little bit". (haha, damn him. He lied to me last year when I asked him that) After that, Cion sat down and I asked for forehead-to-forehead pose. THIS TOOK FOREVER. I didn't know how to explain this, I tried pointing, saying what I thought was the term for forehead and etc etc etc... Kuu was like, "Maybe she meant to look at each other" I was gonna go along with that and give up on forehead but then suddenly it was either Cion or the camera man got what I was trying to do, that person was like "AH! I THINK I GOT IT! FOREHEAD TO FOREHEAD!" Cion immediately took action and put his hand on the back of my head and brought my head to his head. I was so nervous and I felt Cion tapping his index finger on my head lightly. Ahhhhhhh! (Yes, the entire time, I had forgotten how to breath. I was literally holding my breath and I closed my eyes) Ok what made me even more nervous was when Kuu, who was sitting somewhere in the corner in back of me, started saying "ooooo~~~". (kinda equivalent to "olala~") And after this photo was taken, I immediately remembered about my souvenir to give him so I told him to wait. And I went to get it from the table and handed him the bag that contains two SpongeBob gummy candy boxes. He was like, "Oh! Souvenir?" I said, "Yes!". I handed him the bag, he looked inside it and he shouted, "SPONGEBOB!" and I heard the bag got thrown/let fallen to the floor *PLOP* because he was just too excited to hold both of the boxes in his hands. (He was like an excited little child omg...) He told me he will do the expression on the heart patty hamburger SB box. (I knew he would love that expression on there because I thought of him immediately when I said it!!!) I didn't know what pose to do so I just did my own thing and made a heart. I look so bad but he looked hilarious. He won. His lashes and eye size looked exactly like Sponge Bob haha! After that, I just said thanks and see you next time and just TRIED to calmly walk out. 

Again, I didn't look at my photos till way later because I was afraid to look at them. When I finally looked at them, I was surprised how great both Kira and Cion looks in the photos.. like o.m.g....! I never realized Kira was giggling when I saw the photo till I tried to revive the moment in my head. My one and only instore 2shot with Kira is a perfect photo of him. What more can I ask for. I don't know how often Kira smiles in fans' photos but this is priceless to me. I loved how my forehead one turned out but ofcourse knowing me, I am so picky on myself and I could have done better. Cion, looked, PERFECT though <3! And the last photo with Cion... I literally hated how I looked. HOWEVER, YES I AM HAPPY THAT CION'S FACE IS HILARIOUS! In the end, I'm so happy about everything because the moment was very positive even though communication was shit due to my inability to speak and understand Japanese. I think it is also the first time a band man held my presents to them in my satsueikai... I've always wanted band guys to do that but in the past with other band guys even when I gave them a present during photo session, they didn't hold it up(not that I asked them to but isn't it a known hint if I gave them to it during that moment...). Ah.... I'm happy Cion did even though I didn't ask for that. I just wanted to give him the present while I suddenly remembered since I have a tendency of forgetting things when I am nervous. 

So these two instores were VRZEL's very last instore in history now. There were a lot of smiles, laughter, dumb moments, good moments, and unforgettable moments as well. From my first VRZEL instore in 2017 to my last VRZEL instore, all of the instores were unforgettable and super interesting. Thank you VRZEL for everything! Thank you Paula for making these last two VRZEL memories for me happen (honestly I would have missed everything and cried for days if I missed my first instore, that will lead on to me prob being in the shittiest mood for the second instore and might not be able to trade for my two shots and I don't even want to imagine the full disaster that the whole situation would have turned out to be like)!


After the last instore, we went to eat dinner/snack at Saizeriya, drank boba, and took purikura!

Disclaimer on the below screencap text. Some fan on twitter recorded part of the second instore Q&A! I reposted it here as reference. 

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