2020.02.09 Yuuki&Satoshi(Initial'L): MASHMARO & BOW - 新しい楽しみ方 -

【 MASHMARO & BOW - 新しい楽しみ方 - 】
■会場:bar PENTA
■日時:2020年2月9日(日)OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00
■料金:前売¥2,500 (+2Dオーダー) / 当日¥3,000 (+2Dオーダー)

It was Yuuki's bday event and it was the first time I was able to celebrate Yuuki's bday with him. It was just my dream since years ago to go to a Yuuki bday event. The past 2~ years, Yuuki didn't do anything for his bday so I was really glad he did something this year! The days were perfect like it was right before Mother's Valentine's Live so no overlap (^_^)

I didn't do my research well so I wasn't aware of it was a legit bar... (Also, the members did a poor job on advertising the content of the event!!!!) So I went in and was shocked ofcourse that it was a bar haha.... it's also free seating like no ticket number were even called and anyways... I just grabbed a seat not knowing what to do like a lost child. Like my brain could not digest anything at all and just blankly looked around for people that I know hoping to find a someone to save me from being a lost child haha!

Everyone lined up to put their cloths away and give Yuuki presents and I'm just like..... yeah, still lost. I saw Satoshi and I asked, "what is everyone doing?" and he replied me in Japanese and I'm like, ".. English please" and Satoshi was like, "Oh ah... clothes, jacket.... hang...." LOL SORRY THANK YOU SATOSHI! And then I went ahead and hung my coat and gave Yuuki the chocolate I bought for him. I didn't even include a letter because I didn't put the time in to write one ah.. I know I suck. I went up to Yuuki and Yuuki looked happy to see me and he was like, "thank you! I'm happy to receive this!!" Ah!!!! Yuuki looked sincere thank you Yuuki <3! Honestly I'm a shitty fan sorry! I wish I can do better to support you! I'm trying my best but it's hard to go to lives during weekdays!

After that, I ordered a drink and sat down to wait for the acoustic live to start. So the event consist of an acoustic live and chilling/satsueikai time (I didn't know there were satsueikai till merch time though)

I had a clear view of Yuuki and I'm super grateful for that even though the seat was super uncomfortable and crammed. I got teary during the first song because of how beautiful it sounded. Seriously, Yuuki's voice is holy. They mainly did covers but also sang a few L songs. I was super surprised they played Kenshi Yonezu's 灰色と青!! Any Kenshi's songs are so meaningful to me because my students love his music ah!! I am super lucky to be able to hear Yuuki sing it!

Yuuki was super talkative and there was a funny moment when he tried to make the music sheet stand higher but instead separated the stand in half LOL. And there was a moment when Satoshi suddenly said he needa so to the toilet and Yuuki was like, "NOW!?" and yeah so Satoshi went. And but actually he went to set up Yuuki's bday cake (given from a fan). After a while Satoshi came back and then they were starting to sing the next song and suddenly all lights were off and then Satoshi starting singing happy bday to Yuuki. We sang happy bday to Yuuki and a staff brought the cake there and Yuuki blow out the candles and yay~! They were all so cute lol!

After that, the acoustic live continued! After the live, we lined up for merch. There's atari in the chekis!!! If drawn atari, we can get a signed setlist/music sheet of the atari's cheki member that we got. So earlier that day I had shit luck with seeing Ako so I guess my good luck went to this event. I only bought 5 chekis because I was broke as fck, on the second draw, I already got an atari... it was a Yuuki one too! And also, all 5 chekis I pulled out was of Yuuki!!! Like omg... I didn't have to trade chekis yay! I wish my luck was this great for Mother's chekis ah! I didn't know buying their tshirt could get me a 3shot so I got back in line after I knew about it to buy it. (Satoshi explained the reason behind the design and name but I didn't recall them talking about 2shots.. I must have zoned out lol) While waiting in line and proceeding forward midway i accidentally kicked the shoe of the Yuuki's friend (Yuuki was also there chatting with him) and I was like, "OMG SO SORRY....." and he was like it's totally fine!! And I was like ah.. sorry again... and I made a *oh shit i fucked up* face and turned back to lining up and Yuuki and his friend laughed when I did that. (prob they were laughing like how I'm just so freaken worried over everything sigh...)

No one wanted to take photo first and I also waited a long time till I decided on a to take it cause I couldn't decided what pose would be good. I finally decided to take the pic and I asked for jidori style and had Satoshi hold my phone. At first Satoshi wanted to take it vertical and im like horizontal!! He was like, "it's hard to hold the phone ahhh!!" and yeah Yuuki was trying to fix his hair when he saw himself on the screen LOL. After the photo I was like..... "Thanks! Um.. no words come out whenever I'm in front of you so I'm sorry. Thanks! Otsukaresama! I'll just DM you later lol.." And Satoshi was like, "Shy Girl!!!! You shy girl!!" And I'm like, "yes lol" and then I just like put my head down and turned and walked away LOL I'M SORRY I REALLY COULDN'T. Shortly after, I asked about the atari cheki thing and then they were like yeah we can start giving it out. They let me choose which one to keep first because I asked about it first and then other fans who also got atari chose theirs. I got the setlist one cause obviously it's the most meaningful one of all and omg my first time getting setlist ahh!! And right before the event ended, I followed the other fans in line to say bye to Yuuki and chat a bit. We chatted a bit but honestly I rather just forget what I even said cause I didn't even know what I was really saying.

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