2020.03.20 D=OUT:「曼陀羅T~再LIVE BAND TOUR~」

3月20日(金・祝)米子AZTiC laughs
Open/Start 17:00/17:30
チケット代 All standing 前売¥0/当日¥0

It was beyond where I imagined I would be standing at this live.... I mean I wanted a front row but.... I didn't expect that I was able to get dosen......... My very first D=OUT dosen and saizen. I was originally #19 but then 15 ppl ahead of me didn't show up so I ended up being a #4 and dosen happened to be open so I took it..... I was scared because I honestly knew none of the furi but it was still a spot I was happy to stand at. It was perfect, perfect view, just right there. I did notice Kouki looked at me a few times and also when I wasn't jumping, Kouki was motioning me to jump as well. This live was one of the most stressful live... next to the time I was saizen for Mejibray. But I still had fun!! And the gyaku dai moment was actually fun and I noticed Kouki noticing how I looked like I was struggling during it though lol. I didn't get any goods or took photo that day even though I wanted to because I wanted to save it for Shimane live but man... it would have been the perfect time to talk to him. First time driving to lives, first time in saizen and dosen, thankful for him coming, etc!


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