Owl CAFE~! So I was invited by some classmates to go to the Owl Cafe with them and ofcourse, I was late by 30 minutes. Haha. I wasn't that fond of owls till today. Now I think owls are absolute cuties and have personality! <3
This one is too cute!
They even have signs on there to tell us about the personalities of the owls.
It tells us what to do and what not to do.
This poor little one is so tired!
Let's be best friends! <3
┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛
[Photo Credit to Doak's Official Ameba]
OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00
前売¥3,500 / 当日¥4,000(税込・D代¥500別)
Aチケット 6/14(日)~DOAK物販販売
Bチケット 6/21(日)~プレイガイド
The reason I had chosen to come to this live was mainly for Screw and also take the chance to see Jin(The Black Swan) as well. I miss Screw so much!!! I got a pretty sucky number so I was at the back basically. I had no idea what was going on and I saw two foreign fangirls to my left so I just asked then if they know who was playing first. They said The Black Swan so ok. LOL. I don't mind. I tried to inch up after each part so I can get to the front when it's Screw's turn. So after TBS, I walked a little more front but like the guy in front of me was like hogging such a big space in from of him for no reason and I have no more space behind me before I fall on the step in back of me. All of the sudden, one of the fangirls I asked before asked me if I want to join them in the middle (they found a space in the middle to stand). And OMG they were just life savers!!! But I was like thanking them but saying I wanted to be more to the right so when it's Screw's turn, I can be closer to Kazuki. The girls were just so nice even though we don't know each other. One of them told me that they could ask one of the foreign fangirls on second row to let me take her spot for Screw's part because that fangirl doesn't seem to like Screw. So she asked and YES! I GOT SECOND ROW FOR SCREW!!!!
Summary of each band's parts:
- The Black Swan: Jin was just gorgeous and beautiful! He's as beautiful as his pictures show! His look was perfect as well! I love his red eye make up!!!(There's black with some red on the bottom) He snuggled a kiss at the black-hair member's left side of the head!!!! *Oooo~fanservice<3* Also, his also was also showing too ^_^ and I forever love his tattoo! Jin is a very good performer and I enjoyed the TBS live part a lot. The pink hair member was doing some real cool sound effects for one of their songs and it was so great!!! I enjoyed seeing them live even though I am yet calling my self a fan of this band yet. I am forever a Jin fan though. This band is special and unique!
- Dadaroma: What more can I say about this band other than the vocal is crazy!??? Haha! No other words can be used to describe this. He's crazy but I kinda like it. They did perform my two fav songs of theirs however they are too crazy and too loud. I didn't feel so well after a while due to the flashing lights and crazy songs. They are all good performers though!
- Screw: First of all, YAY that I got to be in 2nd row! I was however SLIGHTLY closer to Byou than Kazuki but still close to both! I am a bit disappointed in the crowded for Screw's part. It doesn't feel like they have much fans here! 1/2 of the people on first row and even some on the second row didn't do anything. The two girls right in the middle of the first row, right in front of Byou were just staring at Byou with heads up and not doing much for the whole live even though they have smiles on their face. I feel that it's very disrespectful! Though I felt bad as well because my eyes were all on Kazuki... Byou looked pissed and mad during the whole live and I assume it's because they didn't have much fans and that the two girls right in front of him isn't doing furitsuke. I think Byou has every right to be mad. After the band was done playing, they just went inside without saying anything... HOWEVER, teehee! Kazuki seemed to be in a great and happy mood today during the live!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad! (Unlike last time when my eyes were fixed on Byou's happy face). Definitely, this time Kazuki was much happier, hyper, and jumpy! He was smiling so much! Manabu was gorgeous but his face is always that dull boring expression so I never look at him much since he's too far from me anyways.
Highlight of the live:
- I think Kazuki noticed me and gave me eye contact! Highly not likely but maybe he remembered I was the girl who told him that he's my #1 during the 7/24 live? But most likely not because they have so much fans but can't I just think he really did!? Haha! So I was just staring at him normally and then he looked my way! He had a more lightened up face and seemed to be mouthed some words towards my direction. I did not noticed because I didn't think he would look at my direction. I have no idea if he noticed me or he was mouthing something to some fangirls next to me, in front of me, or behind me but just, he was so cute! I didn't have a fast reaction because I didn't know it may have been to me.. but then I thought to myself.. what if it was for me!? So I gave him a super bright smile back and his smile widened when he saw my smile back! So maybe he remembered me from 8 days ago that I told him he was my #1!? I still had no idea if he was even smiling at me or not but like whatever. He's precious. He's beautiful. He's perfect. I love the way he moves and the way he plays the guitar!
After Screw's part, I just stayed outside till Doak's part is done. I had no interest in Doak so I can't stand it in there. I was hoping that they would be selling Screw's goods but like Screw had an empty merchandise table.. They didn't even bother selling anything because they were so pissed!? Or because they don't sell goods much!? I have no idea... But it was a bummer because I stayed for nothing and was just standing around looking at posters in the hallway.
ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ(* ̄o ̄*)>ヽ`、ヽ`
At some point of my day or around this day, I ate this....
It was good -(o^_^o)-
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