2015.08.13 Lycaon:「Gypsy」Jishuban Club Instore Event

                                                                                                                                               [Photo credit to 自主盤倶楽部]
 08/13 13:00-の時間で自主盤倶楽部 
【内容:トーク / W購入 2ショット撮影会】

I was "on time" to the instore however because I didn't have a talk ticket... I was basically 30 min ~1 hr early and Mizu wasn't even there yet. I wasn't able to get a talk ticket because I bought the instore ticket too late since this was a last minute decision to come to this one. I had to skip my second class to come to this one! So I was too early so I just walked to a mall to get a new cheki film pack since I think the ones I was using were expired and the photos weren't as vibrant and have a hint of green tone to it. I was so afraid of that green tone in my next photo with Yuuki so I wanted to get a new cheki pack just for that. However due to my lack of time and talking too much at the most unnecessary time, I didn't get time to change the cheki pack into new camera. So oh well... (though in the end, this was the best accidental decision cause the new films turned out to be super contrasted, which I dislike more than the green tone. It was fine because after a few days, the green tone is like mostly faded away.)

Anyways so Mizu was finally here and I was in line with her to take photos with our favorite member of Lycaon! When it was almost out turn at the door, through the slit of the two curtains, I saw Satoshi sipping water(?) out of a straw in such a serious face/waiting face. That scene touched my heart and soul and I thought to myself, "Omg, Satoshi is so darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ok so it was my turn and I told them I want to take the 2-shot with Yuuki. The damn manager was the camera person, I gave him my cheki camera to take the photo. Zero was standing there  because the previous person chose Zero to take a photo with. Zero walked to the sitting area and Yuuki came up. 

I don't even know what happened anymore..... I was blanked. I was too nervous. I forgot what happened and what was happening... I just posed to the camera with Yuuki's hand on my shoulder and I like literally didn't want to leave and still wondered what just happened.... 
Yuuki, literally stood next to me to take a photo with me. 
That was what happened.
But damn, that moment was too short. 
After the photo, I said, "Arigatou!" and I forgot what Yuuki did or said anymore.
Life was blurred at that moment. 
To my surprise, that cheki was a perfect cheki of him and I. 
He was so cute and tiny in a cute hat and blazer.
I remembered I tried to look at him in the face as much chances as I could but I was shy and didn't try to look at him for too long because I didn't want to be rude. He was in a boyish look, light make up but with heavy foundation/powder/etc. But I don't care. He is perfect to me. His imperfection is perfection.

After the 2-shot was done, I bought like 9 chekis at the door. 
I ended up with 4 Yuukis, 3 Hiyuu, 1 Satoshi, and I forgot who I got for the last one.
I kept 3 Yuuki (traded one with Iris) and 3 Hiyuus only and sold the rest. 

Then, Mizu and I went to eat at this nearby restaurant. Of course I love the food! But I've spend most of my time looking at the chekis and the cheki of Yuuki and I....
I love it so much!

My lunch! It was so good. Everything is so good!

I like my make up today so selfie time ^_^

He's so beautiful!


When I got home, there was like a group of people with a professional camera filming one of my house mates talk and make food. I just wanted to sit and eat peacefully.... But then they keep telling me to join their dinner on camera. This was just like wow, how many times do I get to witness live broadcast right in front of my eyes and maybe be on tv!? Seriously, life in Japan was just too weird and crazy BUT I LOVE IT! <3
So they told me that this recording is for a foreigner's food tv program and would be broadcast-ed in a few days at 5 pm. Though I won't be able to watch it because I would have left Japan by then or was busy with something else. (Updated on 1/6/2016: I never got to see it still... They said they would send a copy to Sakura House and my house mate would send me a copy but oh well.. I guess I would never know if I actually went on tv or not...)


P.s. This was still at school before I skipped class to come to the instore. Vicki was so cute in a lolita dress and I just put on my make up on the spot in the middle of the lobby with Vicki and her friends.

I find this picture of her so cute!!! \(>3<)/

P.p.s XYLORiDE's Yu-ta replied my tweet!?????????????????????????????????? Like what!? First time in my life yo! I didn't expect this!!!!! I just wanted to let him sorry about yesterday and hopefully he reads it but I didn't expect a reply at all <3

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