2016.11.05 Mejibray:「羽花」Instore Event at Zeal Link and Jishuban Club & Gudetama Cafe

Disclaimer: not my photo
■日程:2016年11月5日(土) 13:00〜

For the first instore of the day, in the morning I had the hardest time getting ready (dressing up + make up) without running out of time. I was risking being late for the instore or not having ANY make up on. I really didn't want to be late since I haven't picked up my cd's and instore ticket yet so I rushed out the house with a mouth mask on. I rushed to Zeal Link and then I went up the stairs to pick up my cd and the staff also handed me an instore ticket.

I looked at my instore ticket and I was surprised.... I got #5. Like wtf, last minute pick up and I got such a great number! And I thought to myself that meant I will be sitting on first row..... BUT I HAVE NO MAKE UP ON. Ok whatever, lol! This felt like a joke alright.

Anyways, I then walked out of the instore and walked down the stairs of the Zeal Link. The stairs is like a spiral stairs so there are hidden areas. I walked down the stairs... half way down before the turn.... I looked up and saw Mia. I literally jumped a tiny bit from shock. Like wtf!!! What's happening!!! (Well the instore duh but like I didn't exact they would go up to the main shop before going to the basement for the instore). I got my senses back asap and I just continue walked and just nodded to Mia as respect. And then I was thinking would there be the other members too.. and right after I made the turn on the stairs still... I SAW METO TOO...! I didn't dare to glance at Meto for more than 1 second. And then I saw Koichi! I nodded at him and he nodded back at me. He had the no make up look and also that beautiful black horn hat on!!!! And then Tsuzuku! I think he and I nodded at each other the same time. I was trying to hard not to freak out and stay calm the whole time, lol! And that I knew what Mejibray was wearing before the instore even started.

To walk past Mejibray members right next to them... felt like such an honor <3!!!!

So I got my senses back and walked down the basement to the instore room. I walked in and I had no idea where to sit. I didn't want to sit on the first row and kind of do..... but I ended up sitting on seat #20~ And then after minutes of day dreaming... I realized all seats have numbers on it. Meaning I MUST SIT ON MY NUMBER = #5 FIRST ROW WAS MANDATORY. So I had to change my seat to my correct seat and cursed silently under my mask on how awkward I'd be when Mejibray comes out. I was super nervous actually. Like super nervous. I couldn't sit still nor feel ok since I couldn't handle being on first row, right in front of Mejibray.

I was kind of sitting facing right in the middle but a bit more to the Tsuzuku side. When the members first sat down... I felt Mia glances at my legs (=_=") Well I don't mean it the good way like he's checking me out but I just felt he's would be thinking, *oh fat legs*. Anyways so everyone sat down and the instore started.

Tzk like never seems to make eye contact with anyone, at least not with me. And then I have awkward ones with Koichi, Mia, and Meto for like 0.5 seconds each, for each eye contact moment lol!

They were sitting in this order:
Meto Mia Tsuzuku Koichi

During the Q's and A's talk, Koichi's responses are always like off topic before he gets in topic, LOL! And for Meto, he now uses a speaking phone app to speak for him. He would type whatever he wants to say and presses play to play it. It's so freaken cute!

Here are just some things I remember from the talk:
  • How are you feeling now?
    Tzk: 寒い。
    Meto: 眠い。
    (I forgot what Koichi and Mia said)
  • Which foreign place you do want to visit and what would you do there?
    K: Somewhere in the mountains to take pictures *tzk laughed and added "to post on IG right?! LOOL"*
    Tzk: New York to shop (because his fav clothing brand is from there)
    Mia: Spain (I didn't hear what he wanted to do there)
    Meto: Home to sleep.
  • Which burger do you like from McDonald's?
    K teriyaki burger
    Tzk: tsukimi burger (the one with be egg on it)
    Mia: nuggets with BBQ sauce (MIA....THAT'S NOT A BURGER..)
    Meto: teriyaki burger
  • If you guys were to go back to school, what would you guys do?
    K: study harder
    Tzk: goof off
    Mia: club activities
    (Did not remember what Meto said)
  • Food that you hate:
    K: raw meat
    Meto: Frog
    (Didn't remember what Tzk and Mia said)
    During this part its so funny though. Meto replied Frog in English and all the fans except for foreigners didn't understood. I'm Asain looking so I pass for Japanese and my mouth was under a mask so no one saw that I was laughing and understood Meto's answer... and there were literally only two foreigners I think. The girl to my right and I. The girl to my right was openly laughing and Meto happily pointed to the girl and Tzk smiled super wide at her in acknowledgment. Meto motioned and pointed the foreign girl next to me out to translate. The girl said the Japanese term for "frog" out loud to the rest of the crowd. It was hilarious.
After the talk, it was time for signing and when I got to Koichi, I told him that when I saw him outside, I was surprised. And Koichi was like, "Ah really?" and I said "Yes because I really like you". And then I moved on to Tzk. I didn't talk much with him and I moved on to the Mia, and then Meto. I had Kryssi's dvd signed for this instore.

Kryssi's dvd

After the instore, the other foreign girl and I started talking and fangirled over Mejibray together. I bought 4 chekis and got 2 Meto, 1 Tzk, 1 Koichi. But to my surprise, no Mia. So I took forever and waited outside for people to sell/trade for Mia and I finally got 1!!! Though I ended up trading my Mia away with that foreign girl's Mia cause I like hers better and she didn't mind. (though I prob regret a bit now because I do like how it shows Mia's ring on the one I first traded for ><)

Anyways, the foreign girl and I decided to go get food before we head to the next instore (she is going as well). She let me choose!!!!! And after eating, I just took like 20 minutes at the bathroom to put on make up. I am NOT going to the next instore without make up on LOL!


Disclaimer: not my photo
■日程:2016年11月5日(土) 18:00〜

After that, we headed to the next instore, which was at Jishuban Club. I also met up with Julia there as well! I got in line and went into the instore for the talk. I got a second-row number and I ended up sitting facing the middle of Koichi and Tzk.

So the instore started and once again the staring awkward shit happens haha!!!! Anyways, they wore 99% the same outfit as the Zeal Link instore. I did not remember anything... from this instore talk though. Absolutely nothing. All I remember was Koichi was day dreaming and when it was time for him to answer a question, he looked zoomed out and the MC had to call his name again to wake him up from whatever he was dreaming about. Oh, and Koichi brought his owl stuff animal to show and tell to us! LOL! So cute!

After the talk, we all had to go outside and line up to go back inside for the signing. When it was my turn to get stuff signed, I had each of them sign chekis. I was finally able to tell Koichi that my birthday is also 12/22. And Koichi sounded amused and said, "Really!?" And he asked me something in Japanese. I wasn't able to understand and I asked him to repeat again... but I still couldn't understand what he said... SORRYYY... WAHHHH.... So it was kind of a fail. I failed. But I swear I heard the word, "kotoshi" Maybe he's asking me if I'll go to his bday live. LOL. BUT WHO KNOWS.... *sobsssss*

I end up buying a few more chekis because I wanted more Koichi. I got some members and 2 atari Meto's.

--- 。;+*(★`∪´☆)*+;。 ---

After that, Julia and I went to the GudeTama cafe!!! IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS EVER. It was a pop up cafe that was just launched on 11/4!!!!!! There was a 30 minute line but it was alright!! Julia and I just camera-whored and also we just fangirled!!! <3 The wait was worth it. I had the hardest trouble deciding what to eat because I was stuck on the pasta and the rice but in the end I got the rice since it looked cuter. But ugh, I regret not getting the noodles as well. Prob wouldn't be able to finish it but I would love to have tried it though. Other than the rice, I also got a mango drink with sherbet on top! They were both so good!!! Julia got pancake. It was sooo good!!!! This place was just perfect, theme wise and also taste wise!

Lastly, they gave us each a free post card!! SO CUTE! <3

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