The morning started off with having breakfast with Catherine at this cafe near Matsue Station and then I hopped on the express bus to Hiroshima!!!! After I arrived, I had too much time in the daytime so I ended up shopping at LUSH and got shower gel (Rose Jam smell and it SMELLS AND LOOKS SOOOO GOOD!!!!! BUT SO EXPENSIVE THOUGH!!!!) and then I got sucked into H&M shopping for winter clothing because, just because. I actually really like Hiroshima and I wouldn't mind living here ah~ There are great food and bands come often!
ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
It was rainy and gloomy throughout the whole day (;__;)
I was on my way to my airbnb but then I was so hungry and I saw this ramen shop with almost no one inside and the pics looked great so I decided to go try it. Yes, I prefer ramen shops with almost no one inside because I hate being around people if I am eating alone. And a shop being empty doesn't mean the food is bad. I'm soooooo glad I went here to eat because THE RAMEN WAS ONE OF THE BEST I HAD!!! There's not that much topping which was a bummer but the flavors of everything they had there WERE SO DAMN DELICIOUSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
So here's my look of the day... I think it's the first time I wore a band tshirt to a live... It felt weird but I am proud to be an L fan!!!!! And here's the Rose Jam body gel. Good investment! Good! Good!
2018年9月15日(土) 広島SECOND CRUTCH
Cast: Jin-Machine/えんそく/initial'L/Leetspeak monsters
OPEN:17:00 / START:17:30
前売券3,500円(D別) / 当日券4,000円(D別)
Today was my first concert since I moved to Japan. My feelings before the live were surprisingly "normal" unlike the past times I saw VRZEL. I didn't think into it but just wait and tried to grab a 3rd row spot so I can see Yuuki without anyone's head in the way. I didn't want to be too close because I am not familiar with their furi but also wanted a good view so 3rd~4th row would be ideal. I asked for a 4th row spot but then someone offered a 3rd row instead and when I got up to 3rd row, someone in center 2nd row asked me if I want to stand there for L.... So in the end, I accidentally got center 2nd row spot. And as expected, I had a hard time with the furitsuke but I've tried my best for L!!!! FOR THE SAKE OF YUUKI EVEN THOUGH HE'S NOT EVER GONNA LOOK AT ME AT THE LIVE LOL! (If it's Yuuki, I don't care and prefer not for him to look at me since I'm not worthy of that I guess haha.) Proceeding to the live part.... of the report....
The live started and they all came out. I was delighted to see them, the calm happy way unlike with Cion, the crazy insane fangirl way. This isn't a bad thing, it just means that this fandom is very pure and positive. While I don't think I'd ever fall in love with the furi of L, I am heads over heels forever in love with Yuuki's performance, voice, and music. The live was very fun, everyone was very jumpy and happy! My favorite song is Need You. I'm so addicted to that song since the preview of it was out on youtube months ago. So much feels, so much emotions, so beautiful~!
Some highlights of the live:
- At one point, Zero and Hiyuu were facing each other while playing their instruments kinda fooling around
- Hiyuu was soooooooooooo kakkoi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Satoshi came to the center to do a solo during one of the songs, and the Yuuki joined singing right next to Satoshi on the right side. Both of them were happily singing/playing guitar and moving to the beat..... this was one of the loveliest scene to see~!
- A few times Yuuki stepped on the saizen bar as foot step and the person in front of me backed up a bit to give space and I also stopped furi for a few sec too. A few times Yuuki bent forward while stepping on it and omg........................................................................ HIS SINGING WAS SO DAMN CLOSE AT ONE POINT. Our heads were only a head-length apart from each other... heart couldn't take it to be so close to my god.... even though he was looking beyond second row. And near the end, he looked like he was glaring down/looking downwards... I think he was giving a looooong stare at the dosen girl. I was slightly jealous but at the same time, I was relieved... like really relieved. I wouldn't want Yuuki to look at me because I feel I'm not worthy of it. (I am crazy to think this way but... omg.) The whole time he was looking downwards at the dosen girl, I suddenly felt I was seeing Lycaon's Yuuki on stage that moment. The aura, the face expression, the way he was looking down...... was the Lycaon Yuuki that I've seen before.
After the live, I bought chekis and ordered a cd to get the acoustic version of the "Calling" song. I finally get to listen to this!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!! Today was a happy day...!!!!... But... WAIT, THAT WASN'T THE END OF IT.
I wasn't interested in the last two bands so I left the venue after I was done getting my bag and such and such. I was looking down at my phone as I was walking out the venue, and right as I almost got out of the building completely (literally 2 more steps) the brim of my eyes saw someone right in front of me and I stopped and looked up before I walk into the person and.... WHAT THE.. WHO.. THE.. WHAT. There is Ichiro right in front of me.. I just had a super stunned expression on my face and went "ah!" and Ichiro was like, "oh! otsukaresama deshita!" and I got a tiny bit of my senses back and said quietly, "otsukaresama deshita! ashita mata ne!" And I just looked down on to ground and started walking on any route that is empty..... (L was on the left side so I just walked towards the right to get away without knowing where the hell I was walking really. I've lost my senses.) I walked a few steps away and then I looked back and Yuuki seemed to have looked up to see who Ichiro was talking to while my eyes met with his and omg... that one second of eye contact was deadly.. as in it striked my whole brain and body to forgetting everything and just like shocked mode. His face literally had a *eh? who's Ichiro saying otsukaresamadeshita to?* expression on when he glanced at me. I forgot what happened after that. I either said "otsukaresamadeshita", "mata ne", or just nodded at him without saying anything and just immediately turned back to the right and just ran away. (Ok I walked but just to exaggerate my feelings more lol...) It wasn't before long till I realized that I was walking in the wrong direction to get back to my airbnb!!!!! I was supposed to go left but instead went right due to I just wanted to run away from L asap! But yeah, that was my day. I went to Saizeriya to eat some snacks and then I went back to the airbnb.
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