2018.06.08 VRZEL: 2days最終単独公演-Day 1-

The day has came. The reason I came to Japan again for. I didn't know how to face it nor what feelings and mindset to have through the live. I just didn't want to face it. I didn't want this to be the start of the ending. I entered the lottery and ended up with a ticket # in the 150's~ but then someone was selling a ticket number in the 30's~ for 3000 yen so I took up that offer (long story short, the BRATBAX fan who sold me a ticket yesterday was also the seller of today's 30's~ ticket). I hesitated for a long time but gave in. The #39 got me a 4th row spot and I was able to stand in the center however the person in front of me was in my way of looking at Cion sometimes... (;__;) The venue wasn't full. There were only about maybe 200~ people today. That is pretty sad for me to know how small VRZEL really is. 


VRZEL 2days最終単独公演-Day 1-
OPEN 17:00/START 17:30 
ADV ¥3500/DAY ¥4000(D別) 



VRZEL did a poll allowing fans to vote on what outfit they wish for the band to wear on 6/8. The result was "random old costume" so that's what they came out with today. Cion dyed his hair black!!! I actually really like the black hair because that's what he got when I first got into them officially. I was bummed in 2017 that he dyed his hair blonde when I finally got the chance to met them. Now I feel this fandom is more "complete" to be able to see him with black hair. Well, he looks good with any color hair or just anything in my opinion! 

Today was the last time they ever played Ibitsu live. It was the reason why I became a hardcore fan so this song means a lot to me, now and forever, even though I cannot relate to the lyric contents. This last Ibitsu performance though... was not as good as any of the times I heard it live before. This time, it felt as if it was just sung out just like that, not much emotions and effort like previous times. I am grateful to be able to hear it again though, I will never get sick of this song. 

I have never heard of Umbra live and I am so happy and lucky to be able to hear it. Umbra is such a beautiful ballad. In the middle of the song, Cion got emotional and wasn't able to sing one line but he resumed singing after a few seconds pause.

Background music malfunctioned twice! During Shinkaigyo, after Cion did his moans in the beginning of that song like always(lol), he was posing with his head tilted up and holding his mic up waiting for the music to start but there were no music at all so he stayed in that position for like 5 seconds in silence and then he dropped to the floor laughing (and from embarrassment too LOL) and he finally got a hold of himself and he was like, "It completely became a masturbation ne?". They tried again and after Cion moaned, we all laughed cause of what happened before. This time it went smoothly haha.... Seriously it was hilarious when he was just posing in silence. And for the next song Shyness Hotel, the music was malfunctioning again and Cion started whispering things like "it's still silent" and he chuckled. (HE SOUNDED SO CUTE OMG...) 

During Evil..... there was a gyaku-dai moment. I wanted to join the gyaku-dai but I was too shy to and usually there are a few rounds so I thought to myself.... I will wait till the nest round. But then suddenly I felt people in back of me push me so I ended up just joining the gyaku-dai without meaning to. I ended up on the right side and before I can digest wtf was happening, I felt my hair was grabbed....? I really didn't know what happened but I just know that I couldn't move cause my hair was being pulled on till the gyaku-dai was finished then I felt it was released and I went back to my spot in 4th row. I will just throw out the assumption that Cion was grabbing on to my hair because I think he was the only member there in the crowd. Anyways, it was a good thing that I was pushed up because there wasn't a second round of gyaku-dai today for I dunno what reason else I would have missed it. 

During Rasen's moshing, 2 girls fell and Cion stopped the whole live and asked if they are alright. He told everyone that we have to care for others when we see things like this. (Ahhh he is so kind) And during the rotational headbang furitsuke, I stared at Cion cause I love to watch him doing this. It reminded me of Byo so much....! I took a quick glimpse of Kira just to make sure he didn't catch me not headbanging and nope, he was too busy pointing others out as well haha! I proceeded in staring at Cion for the rest of the time.

I failed the furitsuke for the song Misery completely!!!! I am disappointed in myself somewhat haha.. cause I honestly slacked because I was trying to save energy for tomorrow. It is one of my favorite live songs though!

During one of the songs (I forgot which one), he dropped his mic by accident and then he did an annoyed face while looking at the mic like “ugh, how dare it dropped” and then he looked at us with a wicked face. Lastly. he picked it back up. (THAT MOMENT WAS SO MESMERIZING!!! <3)

He made many many many different faces at different fans but none to me *so sad laaaa... yes I am an attention whore when it comes to attention from Cion. Or maybe he did made a face at me but I never notice nor believe it happened*

Kuu tried to kiss Ryoya during their twin solo moment but ryoya dodged it!

During the EN, Kuu came out as the "vocal/MC" for like 5~ minutes. Ryoya and Kira were doing a showdown with each other posing with their guitar/bass. Cion back came out shortly after~! 

Parts of the Chu-ru furitsuke seemed to have changed since last year! I was confused on what to do during certain parts of it. Man.. that made me a bit sad since I thought I perfected it already, haha... 

Con's mom came to watch the live today!!! During MC Cion told us his mom was here but I couldn't see where she was when I tried to look. Maybe she was sitting down or people were in my way.. 

I may have remembered wrong but during one of the headbang moments, I didn't headbang but just stared at Cion and he smirked at me... And I forgot if this was from Bratbax live yesterday or this but I remember I smiled at the member who was looking back and me and they smiled as well. (Again, I forgot which live it was from)

Photo Session: After the live, I got in line to buy merch for the photo session! They didn't ask me who I want to be next to me for the 6th shot but it was perfect since I would have chosen Cion and Kira anyways! I just walked up and just smiled and SNAP, group shot was taken. And then my 2 shot with Cion also went really quick. I just remember that he went in back of me and I turned to him to check what pose he was doing and I tried to imitate that. After that, I said thank you and otsukaresamadeshita to Cion while barely looking at his face because I was tooooo nervous. And to my left Kira appeared and said "Thank you! Thank you" (in English) with a happy smile and tone. And then I just walked out with another member telling me thank you or bye.... I couldn't recall who but it would be either R, Ku or S but I am gonna bet on it was Ryoya. 

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