2018.06.07 BRATBAX: LapLus x ソニックデスモンキー ビコロールマーチ


(I used an ash purple color treatment yesterday so it looked more ashy, yay! ) 

Long time no see Bratty~ I miss them lots but I couldn't make it on another day to see them due to needing to catch all of VRZEL's remaining events so I could only see BRATBAX today. It was another unforgettable fresh experience in my whole fandom again! I am not even sure how to start this post. First, I am very thankful for Paula for coming with me to see BRATBAX. Without her, none of today's experiences would have happened! Thank you! 

We met up at around 1:30/2:00 PM at Urawa Station. We only managed to grab one second hand ticket and had to get a same-day ticket for Paula so we first tried to go to the venue to ask a staff. When we were at the venue, we saw a blonde guy with glasses and full set hair and face.... with a normal person just chatting and smoking/chilling. That moment, I did not know who that person was but he was SO FINE LOOKING! He looked like the "cool" type and the kakkoi kind of pretty! Then, I was excited to see the other bands to figure out which band he's from.

Anyways, we decided to go eat first and then ask a staff since neither Paula or I wanted to go up and ask the guys standing at the venue about tickets. We couldn't decide on a place at eat at and then Paula made the final decision on going to Denny's that's right next to the station. I didn't want to go to Denny's at first because it's an American chain but I didn't want to keep saying no so.... I went. AND OK, THAT WAS THE BEST DECISION EVER MADE. NO REGRETS. THANK YOU! 

So the story went like this... we just ate our lunch like a normal lunch time. I ordered the green pasta (IT WAS SO GOOD) and Paula ordered the pancake. And we were just chilling like normal. I saw the vocal of the band Kaitou peak in the store asking the staff something and then he went back out. After a few seconds, the staff lead him and another person to a table near the front (OMG HE WAS WITH THE BLONDE GLASSES GUY.....!!) And I guess then I figured he is in Kaitou as well. (He's the tpon guy but he looked nothing like how he looked when I saw them at a taiban that I went to for BRATBAX back in 2016)

Anyways, after we were done eating, Paula had to go to the bathroom so we were at the place for a while. After she came back, we decided to leave and I had to meet up the ticket seller to get my ticket. Well, before that even happened....... something happened in between.

*I took the bill and started to head to the front table to pay since Paula didn't wanna go first*
*I saw a big light blonde hair person sitting on the couch waiting to be seated, facing sideways cause of the couch position. I thought, hm..... hey there's a blondie, all styled, band guy maybe?.... wait.... is it...? do I know...? the lady next to him looks familiar.... WAIT. WHAT THE FUCK. XIAN AND EBI?????????! AHHHHH IS THIS FOR REAL!???????*
I stopped diagonally right in front of XiAN and just stood there.
Me: eh!?
XiAN: *looks up* oh! *there was a short few seconds pause when he looked at my hair and face* Your hair is cute! 
Me: Thank you! *blush blush*
XiAN: *wide smile and hands randomly open* I LOVE YOU~! *during that moment, Paula finally came walking up behind me*
*I forgot in what order any of these happened since I couldn't digest at all on the spot and even till now but Paula's appearance made me remember why I was there.... TO PAY FOR OUR FOOD*
Me: *quickly remembered to turn to the restaurant staff at the table and puts the bill on to the plate* betsubetsu de onegaishimasu
Ebi&XiAN: *at the same/similar time* eh! (your/her) Japanese is good!!! 
Me: *turns back to facing XiAN* 
XiAN: When did you come to Japan?
Me: *I KNEW THE ANSWER BUT I COULDN'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF MY MOUTH...and got to my senses that the restaurant staff was asking me which plate was mine. I thought Paula would handle that but I guess not! lol! I didn't reply XiAN and had to reply the staff. The staff read out the names of the dishes as confirmation*
XiAN: oh! Kawaii! Pancake kawaii!
Me: Eh? why kawaii?
XiAN: (in English) Pancake is cute! haha
Me: I know. I know *they laughed* but I mean why pancake is cute?
*I forgot if XiAN replied me or not*
I then asked them if I can give them souvenirs now and they said ok. 
(Tetola and Tohga was there too but so sorry I did waved to Tetola but I forgot about Tohga's existence) I handed XiAN my present to him and then I handed Olivia's items to them. I asked about MeL and they said he was still busy getting his hair styled and make up etc on. I told them that I wasn't done with preparing with MeL's present yet so I'll give it to him later but I dunno if I got my words across. Anyways, they asked who Olivia is and XiAN was like, "Your friend from the cafe that time?" and I said no, it's a friend from America. (NOTE, I MADE NO SENSE BECAUSE KARYTA IS ALSO FROM AMERICA TOO...) XiAN was confused on my answer cause he prob remembered Karyta was also from America too so he was like eh? America.....<I couldn't remember/understand what he said to Tetola with his confused face> Shortly there was just silence for a while and Paula was like, "JA, MATA NE. BYE" and she pushed me out the door. The members were laughing and XiAN shouted once again, "I LOVE YOU~". Even after I walked out and just stood in front of Denny's. I couldn't function, I couldn't find my words. I am so HAPPY THAT XIAN SAID MY HAIR IS CUTE. SORRY IT IS MY FIRST COMPLIMENT FROM A BAND GUY. Prob my only one still..... 

And that was the end of story time. Was back to reality and wow, did that all just happened during that moment. I met up with the seller and bought the ticket off her. It turned out that she's a saizen girl for XiAN and she is also a VRZEL fangirl. 

After that, I wanted to reply XiAN on the question he asked me. So I tried to look for cute stationary to buy but in the end just bought a box of peach pocky and write my response to him there. I told him I came on 5/24 but will leave on 6/10 and I'm here for traveling. Then, we headed to the venue and got in line. 


BRATBAX: LapLus x ソニックデスモンキー"ビコロールマーチ" 
2018年6月7日 浦和ナルシス 
前売¥4000 当日¥4500 
Cast: LapLus / ソニックデスモンキー / BRATBAX / 
ラッコ / コントラリエ / 怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー

I went in first and ended up on 3rd row. I tried to save a spot for Paula to be next to me. It failed so I tried to ask the second row people for a spot during BRATBAX for two people and YESHHH. We got second row during the time we need. BRATBAX played second! We got our spots and I made sure I will have a good view of XiAN. I am so glad to be able to enjoy a BRATBAX live with Paula!!!!! The live was fun like always!!!!! And yes, as an attention whore, I didn't get contact from XiAN as much as I wanted because it seems like he does like to look at first row often. SO I GUESS I GOTTA MAKE MY WAY UP THERE however, I fear their fans.... They always seem to be friends with each other already and takes group photos together right before a live. It's so hard for me to try to meet them when I couldn't speak much Japanese. *sigh* Oh well. I will stay a silent fan in the back like always then. I couldn't recall if XiAN looked at me or not during the live but I just remembered that I purposely didn't headbang for one of the songs and just stared at him and he saw me and he pointed to his head smirking. His smirk was so kakkoi.......AND MeL, he came out with black hair and I was surprised! LOL like we swapped colors haha. And yeah visually they were all awesome. So on to the music now~!

I love the setlist but I was disappointed that they didn't play yester actor.... That was my favorite new song and I look forward to hearing it so much!!! I am glad that they played grim though. GRIM WAS ALSO SOOOO GOOD AS WELL BUT I LIKE YESTER MORE! Anyways, hehehe! XiAN's singing and performance is getting better and better as the years go by. I wish the live was longer but it was still super enjoyable! 

We stayed for two more bands before we headed out for dinner. During that time, we also bought merch. I wasn't going to get a tshirt but it was too cute! As we were walking out, we saw Shinpei going to his van to leave and actually was so close to him when we were accidentally standing near the vehicle payment machine... we didn't notice that till he walked up to pay. But we stood around only because Paula gotta finish her drink before we start walking to dinner. I saw the glasses blonde for the 3rd time... omg... is that fate? LOL and a few members of Rakko getting into their van. Gawddd I just wanted to leave the venue ASAP but low key didn't haha..

We went back to Denny's to eat dinner cause I wanted to try many things! I got 3 things for myself.... the pancake, french toast, and shaved ice. Out of what I got, I only liked the french toast and somewhat the shaved ice. Lastly, we went to take purikura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SUCH A FUN DAY!

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