2019.05.24 Vexent: LAST LIVE 「最後のしるし」

Vexent LAST LIVE 「最後のしるし」
2019.05.24 [Fri] 高田馬場AREA
開場 : 18:00/ 開演 : 18:30
前売 : ¥3,800/ 当日 : ¥4,300

During the live I managed to get the last row on the first section. I wanted to make sure I can do gyakudai but also needed to stand on the center view. Ofcourse he didn’t touch my head nor looked at me during the Gyaku dai nor he gave me attention during the live but it was fun still.

During midplaylist with ballads I cried. During the end when mako sang the last song, he wasn’t able to hold back his tears and I still remember that crying face he had. He didn’t want the band to disband. Everyone was basically sobbing. Levi was the one who didn’t really cry. It’s the first time seeing Mako cried and I guess I’m not surprised if he is the type of person who I think he is.

I wish they played Shion too but can’t be helped.

Walked in and said お疲れ様でした
And said thank you (it sounded like from his heart)
And then hes like what pose and I’m like whatever is fine and he’s like “you haven’t thought of anything?” And I said whatever is fine. And then he took me by the shoulder and pulled me close and then I just hugged him from there and he put his hand on my head ahhhh! And then for the next pic I told him to sit down. And I had him change a seat cause I want him to sit on the seat closer to the center and he was obvious confused what I was trying to do I just told him to sit down and I said I want to hug you from behind. And then I felt him reached his hand somewhere on my head or arm lol. And then third one I asked for kabedon and he was ready to pose hahaha he already had his hand on the wall and I’m like this time from me! And he’s like oh. Ok! And then he leaned against the wall and I’m like shy at first and then he pointed to the wall he was leaning on for me to put my hand and then I had to cover my mouth cause our faces got so close. I was super super super embarrassed to do that and then he decided to close his eyes and put his hands on his cheeks omg that was suchhh a cute sight I had to poke his nose!!!!! And then after that I asked for forehead one. He said it’s better if sitting so we sat and I felt he placed his hand on my right lap ahhh!!! After that we stood up and he handed me the 4 chekis and then he hugged me 😣💕 it was a tight sincere hug. It lasted about 4-5 seconds. I think he was saying thank you during the hug. And also after that I said see ya tomorrow and he was like you will come tomorrow? And I said ofcourse. And then he said something else that I couldn’t understand and I just said “un” LOL After everything I said I wanna see his tattoo and I basically just lifted his sleeves at first and then he showed me the whole thing. It was an eagle and the eagle looked fierce and also had a triangle eye on center. I asked if it’s recent and he said yes. And I kept saying it’s so cool looking.

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