日程:2017年12月11日(月) 12:00~
税抜6,000円以上お買い上げの方には、指名2ショット or 5ショットチェキ撮影会参加券を1枚、
税抜6,000円以上お買い上げの方には、指名2ショット or 5ショットチェキ撮影会参加券を1枚、
I was 100% broke so I had actually planned on backing out of taking a photo with Mejibray since I didn't have an extra 6000 yen to spend on a 5 shot that I wanted. But last minute I changed my mind since it might be my only chance to do so... so I did. They did group first and we have to line up by where we want to be next to us for the group shot.
KOICHI WAS IN A COOKIE MONSTER OUTFIT!!!!! How could I say no to that!?? <3 I love cookie monster! I'm so glad I got to see him in this outfit. When it was my turn and when I was walking towards my seat, I first took a 0.5 seconds glance at Koichi, then looked at Tzk for 1 second, and then looked at my seat to sit down. I didn't know what pose to do and I saw Koichi had a cookie monster plush and I decided to poke the eye...... SORRY and that meant I accidentally leaned over too much to Koichi haha. After the photo, I was too nervous and I forgot if I even remembered to say thank you or not to Koichi. I just remember standing back up and waiting for the staff to give me my photo and then left (or I think I took a quick glance at Mia and Meto before I left but I was for sure too nervous to glance at Koichi again)
Cheki purchasing at the instore today was a total joke to me. I bought 20 chekis on the first try (10 were for Karyta) and only 3/20 were Koichi's. Well though in the end, in my 10, there were only 1. So I was pissed off at my luck so I decided to buy 5 more chekis for myself. I got 3 Koichis out of the 5. Haha!!!! So in the end 5 vs 20, I got the same amount of Koichi's. I just found this amusing.
After the instore, we tried to find our airbnb but both of our phone were out of battery. We tried to look for an outlet and just look for the airbnb without gps but failed. Then we found a Starbucks to charge our phones but also decided to just go to the live first and then find our airbnb later. I got a sandwich for late-lunch/dinner.
Mejibray 全国ワンマンツアー「そして誰もいなくなった」
2017年12月11日 札幌KRAPSHALL
前売:4,320円 D別
It was my first time having a single digit live ticket number (I applied for the FC ticket lottery to get my tickets and by luck, I got a single digit number) and my first time being on saizen for Mejibray. I didn't want to be in saizen because I was scared and I did not know most of the furi for Mejibray songs. Karyta's number was one after mine so I actually entered the venue first and she took a while to get in so I panicked a bit on where to stand: second row or first row. I saw there was 1~2 spots at the farthest left bar so I said to myself, "fck it... why not!?? it's prob my only chance of saizen for Mejibray... because it's Mejibray...!" So I did and Karyta got in and stood to my left. It was so crammed on first row but for the first time, there were nobody's head in my way to look at Koichi. YES! It was however, very difficult to do furi due to the lack of space but I've tried to enjoy it to the fullest. I was too busy trying to do furi and I didn't notice when Koichi or Tzk ever looked over at our side. Also, I've done so much wrong furi that I don't even want to remember those embarrassing moments, ha. During one of the moshing songs, Koichi spitting/spraying water and I was too busy moshing to check out Koichi's expression.
Koichi looked soooo stunning. His tall lean perfect figure in heels. Those legs, that face, that aura when he is playing the bass is beautiful. He actually looked at first row fans quite a lot unlike most of my other top band guys. Annnnnd the typical for today as well. They came out without MC, played the setlist, and curtains up without MC again.
After the live, I didn't plan on getting chekis since I didn't take SS orders for it due to I was afraid it might be sold out by the time it was my turn. So... I didn't get in line for it but Karyta rushed out to the line and was able to get chekis for herself. I just took my time lining up at the drink bar for Karyta and my drink. After that I headed to the locker area (which was right next to the merch table) to wait for Karyta. While I was waiting, I saw Coral and she came over to chat with me for a little bit. Somehow out of nowhere one of Coral's Japanese friends came over to greet Coral and she was holding a lot of chekis (Koichi included) to look for trades. Coral was so nice!!!!!!!!! She asked her friend if she can sell a Koichi to me and she said ok!!!! So I was able to get a Koichi cheki at list price yay!!!!! One is enough <3 I'm so thankful for that!!!!! Thank you! Thank you!
Walking in flat/hardened snow is one of the most dangerous thing on a busy day (=_=) I nearly slipped 1381293821 times. Sigh, so much for Mejibray. But I guess it was worth it. Seriously though, my toes and feet felt like it was going to die or turn blue from the coldness and one of my shoes was broken on the heels so water slipped in and that feet was extra cold. We got to see pretty night lights though!!!!!!!! I wish the snow was fluffy so we could play in it! It was such a beautiful view.
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