In the morning, Karyta and I were still in Sapporo and we took an afternoon flight back to Tokyo for VRZEL's live. On the way, we took some pictures and videos of the snow and camwhored a bit, haha. And we bought some Mister Donuts for breakfast! I haven't had those in forever, I believe since 2014!????
We arrived at Narita Airport and bought bus tickets to get to the concert venue. While we were waiting at the bus stop....... AT THE LEFT CORNER OF MY EYE, I SPOTTED A TALL PERSON WITH PINK HAIR WALKING FROM THE LEFT SIDE... I WAS THINKING. WAIT. TALL. PINK HAIR. THAT AURA. COULD IT BE......yes...
I turned my head to the left and I SAW KOICHI OMG.... he was with a friend of his and they were also taking a bus back to Tokyo it seemed. Difference was that Koichi booked a whole bus for himself and whoever he was with. I was so shocked to see him because it was unexpected at all! I was saying softly to Karyta while trying to stay calm, "Karytaaaaaaa it's Koichiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" and she was like, "I knowwwwwwww" LOL SHE WAS SO CALM ABOUT IT OMG OR I MEAN IF IT WASN'T ACTING, SHE COULD CONTROL IT MORE THAN I COULD. I couldn't remember anything that he was wearing nor his face that moment. I was too shy to look at him. As he was walking past us, I glanced at him and he glanced at us back and then he realized we were his fans (well we were on first row yesterday at the Mejibray live and were at the instore so for sure he remembered us) he quickly looked to the opposite direction while walking. They walked past us completely and I was still in shock. After around half a street length of distance from us, Koichi said something to his friend and his friend walked back to the waiting station we were sitting at and just stayed there. It turned out that when Koichi's bus came, he was already on the bus. I guess Koichi went to the parking lot to get on the bus first. Although I could not remember what Koichi was wearing, Karyta did and this was what she said: "He had his hair in two braids, wore a black white striped tracksuit and a blackish red hat. He was carrying a big black bag with studs on it plus a little stuffed bear attached. And he was wearing a mouth mask."
On our bus on the way to VRZEL's live!
After we found where the venue was located at, we had extra time so we ate dinner first. I'm glad Karyta loved the food so much!
「ambush attack」
2017年12月12日 東高円寺二万電圧
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
ADV ¥3,500 DAY ¥4,000
- Derive-
Our numbers were between 55~60 but when we got inside the venue, there seemed to be about 70~80 people inside already... and I was stuck in the last 2 rows in the back. Karyta wanted to lean on the farthest back wall so she stood there but I didn't want to stay in the way back so we didn't stand together. Most of the fans wore TBS shirts so it was confusing as to which band was playing first but since VRZEL has a smaller fanbase, I predicted VRZEL will pay first even though I have not seen any VRZEL gyas on first row or in the front yet. After a while it seems like VRZEL gyas asked for the first row and that was when I figured VRZEL was for sure going to play first. I wanted to attempt to get a 3rd row spot but I was to shy to since I was literally in the back. I waited till 5 minutes before starting to ask a girl on 3rd row if she's seeing VRZEL. She said no and I can switch with her during this time and then she suddenly said her friend on second row also isn't a fan and her friend can trade me her spot. Ahaha... I actually knew her friend wasn't a fan but I didn't want to be on 2nd row but oh well. So YAY!?!?! And funny thing is on my new spot, the girl to my left is a Shikina fan while I am a Cion fan. During the moment when Cion fans saku for him, she looked like she felt a little awkward so she semi raised her hand to saku for Cion as well, lol. I actually had a perfect view of Ryoya but so sorry Ryoya... most of the times I facing and staring at Cion.
During one of Kira's solo moment, Cion went to drink water at the table/amplifier behind Ryoya. Cion bumped into Ryoya and Ryoya was either exaggerating the power of Cion or really almost tumbled over. And they gave each other WTF playful faces.
They played a lot of songs that I've never heard of at a live before. They played Vamp and I didn't know the furi for this. The members were guiding us on the furi throughout the song but it was still way too difficult for me to do. It was also the first time I've heard them they played Evil at a live. Evil has a gyakudive moment and I had absolutely no idea that was there. So I was happily jumping or moshing and suddenly there was the gyakudive and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or was supposed to do!!! I ended up first leaning on the bar as well and I felt a girl back-jumped on me. After that I just stood back up in confused and just watched the rest of the gyakudive. Well a girl had her face literally buried in Cion's stomach and she looked so happy right after the gyakudive moment...*sigh* But yeah I wasn't ready for a gyakudive and haven't been involved with one since 2016 or actually... it was 2015 for officially participated.
As usual they ended the live with Misery. Ryoya and I had a glare off and I think he snarled at me, lol. I was very surprised there was the forward and backwards moshing .... that was confusing to me because I didn't recall that happening at the past lives with Misery. Afterwards, Karyta told me that Cion and Kuu were giving all directions during the moshing.... LOLLL honestly I didn’t look at them much/at all during Misery because I was too busy doing the furi while trying not to fall over and the the song already caused me to feel too much misery, haha.
At the live, Ryoya pointed to his head while glaring at me twice motioning for me to headbang. The first time was a song before 歪 so no, and I just laughed it off and looked down. Second time was a song that was sometime after 歪, so I was slightly comfortable with it already and I listened and did so, blah.
I am always amazed by how Cion can tilt so far as if someone was holding on to his legs and he just freely tilted over the fans. He probably hooked his feet on to the bar but still, he is one dangerous but amazing performer.
While I was in line for chekis at the merch table near the exit door during a false time, the all members except for Cion walked past me in order to get to the exit door to go to the resting area/smoking area.
Along the way to the train stop, we saw trees covered with lights!
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