The first stop was to the Kyoto Golden temple. This is by far one of my favorite temples. Although I don't think we can enter it, I just enjoy looking at it from afar. It's so beautiful! Second time seeing it and it never fails to amuse me. I can really stand there forever taking photos.
Next stop was the Tōdai-ji Temple in Nara. There's also a deer park around it too!!!! It's the first time seeing deer I think and up close too!!! We can touch them!!!!!!!!! But be careful, there are poopies everywhere.... like everywhere. Haha. So cute though!!! So it's ok as long as I watch out where to walk. I couldn't stop taking pictures of the deers. I tried to take a selfie with the deers but they seem to hate me >_< so oh well... And we also got to go inside the temple to explore.
We saw a big trunk with an opening/hole on the base of it and some middle schoolers or elementary schoolers crawling through and having their pictures taken. I think I heard that it'll bring good luck if you can crawl through it. I wanted to try tooo!!! But nahhh I'm too big for that tiny hole.
I bought a key chain and stickers! (yes, another useless shopping moment)
After that, we headed for our Kobe beef meal!!! There was also pork and chicken too. It's self-cook style. And we can put it in hot pot or bbq it. I tried my part half and half. I think I like both. I can't decide which one I like most because I like both ways. However, I enjoyed the Kobe beef meal I had with Winnie more because it tasted way better and the chef cooked for us along with the garlic rice and veggies. Also, I believe the beef Winnie and I ate was a better one. ANYWAYS, I still enjoyed today's meal though <3 Any good food is loved!
My dad was sitting in front of us.. But I forgot to take a picture with him.
Kobe..... beef!!!
Last stop was Osaka!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They took us to a street that sells a lot of takoyaki.. prob the takoyaki street? Haha. Anyways, I also remember being near this area with Winnie 2 years ago, but we never walked through that street since we chose to go to the Osaka Castle instead of staying.
Saw these ads and just have to think of Karyta to laugh with, haha!
This time my parents and I were just walking along the street and we saw a lot of takoyaki stores. So much. I bought one for 300 yen and it comes with 5 takoyaki. Blah, these weren't that good (>__<) And then I walked past a second place. This one was 6 for 400 yen I think. THIS ONE WAS BY FAR MY FAVORITE. I LOVE HOW CREAMY IT IS AND IT'S SO BIG AND GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We walked to a third one that had a looong line. I wanted to try it because it says on the sign that they are #1 and so I was in line for 30~ minutes just for a serving of takoyaki. They were 700 yen for 8 though, the most expensive one I've had however it was very good. It's not my top top top #1 because I prefer creamier ones HOWEVER I DO LOVE IT STILL!!! It's worth every penny and every $ it costed. I've never had this kind of takoyaki before! They were very smart, they incorporated some small cereal/puff bits in the takoyaki so when you eat it, it will have a unique texture and crunch and they use very fine octopus as well. It's very complex and delicious. This one is my mom's favorite. I love it too!!!
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