2016.10.23 Purikura Day

Today was just a casual hang day with Julia! Meet up with her at 11 and we went to closet child and other cd stores, then purikura.

We got to the purikura place! I made her take selfies with me, MUAHAHAHA! Yay! I actually really love the right one, oh she's going to strangle me if she figured that I posted this... But I really really love her expression there, haha so cute! We took it two times, the second one, it's kind of something new I've never used before. We get to create a avatar for ourselves. It's so cute! I really like the idea of this machine but the camera angle and quality, I THINK IT JUST MAKES ME LOOK FAT SO...loool! But it was a nice machine! I kinda regret not trying that machine again!!! Anyways.. I looked so awkward in the puris lol but there's at least one from each set that I love <3 I'M SORRY JULIA, I'M LOOKING SO AWKWARD IN THE PURIS... BUT I ENJOYED THE TIME SPENT WITH YA~!

And Julia actually stuck a puri of us on her planner and one as her Gazette FC ID profile picture, LOL! I'm just super happy about that! <3

And then she has to go home and I walked her home. Then after,  I just wandered around back to Shinjuku to preorder tower records Mejibray stuff so I can go to the 11/3 instore though.. in the end I skipped the instore since I didn't pay and I didn't have enough time and was lazy to rush myself... Anyways.... I was looking at the RR books and I FOUND THE MIA ONE HOLY CRAP THE CLOSE UP SHOT is even more beautiful in real life <3  and then I also bought Byo's Rock and Read. And then I went to get boba, some b-side label tapes and then just went back to my room around 4:30 and I just tried to clean but didn't really clean much, lol!

The holy Mia.

Oh lookie! I found an old picture of Matenrou Opera!!

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