Today's live was at Niigata! After I arrived to my airbnb in Niigata, I took my time to put make up on since I didn't want to arrived too early and see the other bands so might as well take my time. By the time I was done, it was pretty dark outside already. It was a 30 minute walk from the airbnb to the venue and I was freeeeeezing in the cold! I prob looked crazy because I had a thick jacket on but I also had shorts with thin tights on. It felt like my hands were going to be goners because it took about 10 minutes of fast walking for my hands to warm up a little! On the way, it was kind of creepy... I noticed a guy walking to my right but a few feet behind... I thought it was just a random guy walking till after a few streets, he went up to me and asked me something but it doesn't sound like he asked me for the time or something and he looked like a creeper. I didn't stop nor looked at him and just pretended I didn't hear him. He got no reply from me and he asked, "聞こえないの?" Andddd all I did was just ignore and walked and he eventually stopped. After another half I street I looked back and he was gone. I got no time to stop nor be scared!!! But honestly, that was creepy since usually no one ever approaches me and I feel so happy to be left alone by strangers/creepers.
After I arrived to the venue, I got lost trying to figure out which floor the live was on. There were around 6~7 floors and I end up wandering to the basement. I saw a staff there and asked him where VRZEL is performing at and he said it would be either on 4, 5, or 6th floor. So I got on the elevator and saw the info paper posted on the wall inside the elevator (=.=") Apparently the live was on 5th floor so I went there. I don't know why I ended up in the back stairs and saw two doors.. but it doesn't seem like the live was on this floor at all! I wandered in the venue on 5th floor.. it was all dark and no one was there. It does looked like a venue though... it was scary. I tried to open any door I could and look for anyone but there were no sign of anything at all. I then recognized this place!!!!! All that brought me to the venue that I saw Lycaon at when I traveled to see their Niigata live in 2015. The happy memories. It was the place I went to Lycaon's one man for the first time and the place I took my first two shot with Yuuki. Although I was lost in the venue building, I was happy I was lost and ended up at the place I had great memories at. I found some stairs and and door so I decided to go down and see what was there and while walking down, I saw old signed individual Lycaon member posters on the wall.. ah... I want the Yuuki one.... *lol*. Anyways, I exited out of the door finding myself on 4th floor stairs again. So there were nothing on 4th and 5th floor.. so I tried the 6th floor. BINGO, IT WAS ON THE 6TH FLOOR!!! But why did the info paper say 5th though!? It was as if fate wanted to bring me back to the place where I had great memories with Lycaon~ <3 Anyways got into the venue and I ended up standing near the door on the left side of the floor on last row. Only about 1~2 bands played and so I took my time in finding a better spot for VRZEL. When it was time for VRZEL's turn, I moved up only one row but I was on the right side now, which was closer to the merch table. The whole time before VRZEL's part, I was observing people while they were headbanging. It looked so simple but it was so hard to do though!
VRZEL 1st FULL ALBUM【Murderer Psychopathy】発売記念#1
Cast: VRZEL/DatuRΛ/紅ク染マッタ記憶/DiSPiИA/他
開場 15:00 / 開演 15:30
前売 3,400 / 当日 4,400
Cion came out with a cat ear hairstyle today!!! It was so cute and extra cute during Chu-ru since it was a cat furi song! There wasn't anything special to talk about about the live. Their performance were perfect and I enjoyed every bit of it and I was glad I went.Their lives that I went to so far were so fun and exciting. I just couldn't believe I fell so deep for VRZEL when I literally only saw them once before planning all these crazy things I will do to see them.
During the MC, Cion talked about the tour and the release of the new album. He mentioned about the Sendai one man live is on 12/16.. and then he said.. "no it is 12/18?".. "wait, no wrong again.. sorry, it's on 12/17! Please come!" (Seriously Cion, you forgot your own tour date...>_>) and then he also advertised their 12/21 tour final.
I was in luck today in cheki buying. Bought 10 chekis and 5 were Cion and 3 of the 5 were signed/commented. I love today's look so much so I am so happy about it! And yes, I ended up with photo ticket #1 for Cion. I totally just wanted to get out of there fast, lol. The satsueikai was held at the drink bar area, that was the little area right between the venue floor and the exit path. I was peaking at others taking photos with the other members. When it was my turn, I walked in and I did not look at Cion first but just casually looked at the left corner of the floor and placed my things there. I think... after I placed my things down, I just stood there like a dummy. Cion motioned and told me to come over to where he was standing and so I did. I feel like a total robot where I had no idea what I was doing at all times aiyahhhh!!!! I saw Cion did a cat paw pose so I tried to do that too. After that, I asked him if he actually read fan mail and he said he really does. And I just said ok and something like thank you and see you next time. (Gawd, why did I ask that..I mean obviously he would say yes he does read it regardless of if it was true or not!)
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